Hello again;
Today, I’m sharing the good news that I have finally sold the HUSS Topspin that came out of the pavilion in Myrtle Beach South Carolina. While this sale didn’t happen as quickly as the MEC bumper cars that was sold and delivered to its new owners in only two weeks or the Bertazzon double decker carousel where the buyer was found in less than 30 minutes; the time required was not a surprise given the deplorable condition of the ride.
I first received this ride along with several others a little over two years ago. The representative of the park that owned it called to ask if I would try to help them with a serious problem. He told me that they operated several family style amusement parks in the southeast and that they had several used rides that they needed to sell. He further explained that when these rides were taken out of operation they were stored in an outdoor location. Apparently, the storage facility was not very secure as the rides in question have been vandalized. They have had parts stolen off of them. Also, the climate is hard on any equipment stored outdoors. And the truth of the matter is amusement equipment like this needs to be used. As my brother Michael likes to say nothing good happens to a ride when it is parked.
So, I explained to him about how the site works. I asked him to send me what photos he had, and I took down the descriptions of the rides. Unfortunately, he didn’t have a lot of photos because he wasn’t working at the company when the rides were taken out of service. He was able to get some photos of the rides from their storage location, but these did very little to showcase their equipment. I guess I should mention that the list of rides included the topspin along with a HUSS enterprise, HUSS rainbow, a nascar themed soft play system, a rock climbing wall, and the Mad Mouse coaster. The list of rides has changed, but these are the rides that are still available.
I put their rides on the site and did my best to promote them. I was also working to improve the website. I installed a new photo gallery called gallery 3. In honor of it my contact at the park company sent me a few more photos of the rides. I posted them, and sent them out to everyone who had shown an interest in these listings. In the fall of 2012 I got an email from a gentleman in Germany. He expressed an interest in the topspin and the rainbow, and i put him in contact with the owners. They communicated for a while and eventually signed a contract for a sale.
As you can imagine I was very excited by this, and I waited anxiously for the sale to close; so i could receive my commission. However, it seemed like every week or two there was another problem with the sale. The buyer was worried about replacing the tires on the trailers to get them delivered to the port. He wanted to know exactly what parts were damaged or missing from the rides. He wanted more photos and he asked that a video walk through be made. Then he was worried about whether or not the trailers would make it through the Atlantic crossing. Finally, the owners said enough is enough and voided the contract.
Now, sales fall through all the time. That is just the nature of what I do for a living. However, the news wasn’t all bad. Thanks to this buyer I now had several excellent videos to use in the listing for the topspin and rainbow. So, I uploaded the videos to my site. I updated the listings and started all over promoting them. I sent out more emails and shared them with my growing social media communities. And I prayed for a buyer to be found.
And thankfully two weeks ago I got the good news. My contact at the park company told me that a gentleman named Paul Hart had contacted them about buying the topspin. They had negotiated a price and signed a contract. Mr. Hart was given two weeks to transfer the funds or the ride would be put back on the market.
I looked at my past emails and was happy to find that this was someone who I had originally referred to the ride’s owners. If I can’t prove I referred the buyer, then I don’t get paid. So, I forwarded the copy of the email contact to them and reminded them of their agreement to pay. They agreed that I had referred the buyer and acknowledged their agreement to my commission. They also told me that Paul was going to be buying a zamperla balloon ride from them, and since I had referred him to them; they would also be paying a commission on that sale as well. This is what we agreed on, but you never really know in this business until the money has changed hands.
After what happened with the buyer last year, the idea of waiting two weeks was a little disappointing; but the short time frame made me feel more positive. I also felt that the fact that he had contracted for the purchase of an additional ride meant it likely that he would fulfill the terms of the contract. I told my family and closest friends about the possibility of selling the ride and asked them to pray for me. And on the night before the deadline I prayed myself and sent an email to the owners telling them I was hoping for a smooth successful conclusion to this sale.
When I woke up yesterday, I checked my email first thing. This is what I always do. I hope for news of someone wanting to list equipment, wanting me to locate a specific ride, wanting to buy a ride, or news of a sale. I didn’t really think the news would come so early, but there it was. I was told the rides were paid for and that I should submit an invoice for payment. I requested the information that needed to be on the invoice and had my brother Michael make it out for me. Being blind I have some trouble entering information into forms especially when the form is a pdf document. The only negative in this story is that the seller has a policy of taking 30 to 60 days to process invoices. I am hoping that this is just the maximum and not the actual time I will have to wait. But if it does take that long, then I’m thinking I will have the money in time to do some serious Christmas shopping.
They still have several other park rides for sale. They will need lots of work, but the prices are very reasonable. If you want to hear more about any of their rides, then send me an email I hope my dedication and perseverance in this sale will encourage more people to list their rides, games, inflatables, attractions, generators, etc with me. The truth of the matter is that most sales take time, so the sooner you list your items; the better your chances of selling them. I hope you will give the midway a chance to help.
And if you enjoyed this post, please share it with your friends, family, and coworkers. Please use the sharing buttons to let your social media networks know. And be sure to take a minute and leave a comment. You get back links to your website, blog, or face book page along with one to your twitter profile page and one to your most recent post if you are a blogger. I’m always happy to hear from readers. Even if your comments are critical, they are still helpful as I believe each one is a learning opportunity. And you don’t need to have a reason to contact me. I hope to hear from you soon. Thanks and take care, Max
What an excellent story, and awesome that you narrowed your niche down to something so specific. It goes to show that the sharper your focus, the more you can specialize at helping a clearly defined set of customers and be seen as an expert. Thanks for sharing story of your success. It’s not unusual for payment to take as long as they’re saying. But, I would keep good e-mail records of your agreement. Nothing verbal will fly.
Joe Orozco recently posted…3 Steps to Launch a Website
Hi Joe; Thanks so much for taking the time to read my post and for leaving such a thoughtful comment. I honestly have to admit that I didn’t pick my niche it sort of picked me. I was working games on my uncle’s carnival midway after my father’s early death from cancer caused the closure of our own small children’s carnival. I was losing money and wanted to do something different but still stay in the industry i was familiar with. I had helped my dad sell rides when we had needed to, so i thought why not try to sell equipment full time. I’m still relatively new to the industry, and there are a lot of people out there who still don’t know who I am; but more sales will certainly cure that. And I do keep the emails. Thanks again and take care, Max
Hi Max,
Congrats on the sale! I shared your site on Twitter for you. Just popped over from Adrienne Smith’s blog because she recommended you in her post today. Adrienne and I go way back. If I can ever be of assistance just drop me a tweet or add me on Skype (username growmap).
You already almost know me.
You’re using the GrowMap antispambot plugin named after my blog.
Gail Gardner recently posted…Twitter Inner Circle: How to Join Mine or Create Your Own
Hi Gail; Its so nice to meet you. I was surprised to be included on Adrienne’s list. You are the first to come by from that post who has left a comment, but I have had many new subscriptions today; so I am definitely benefitting from Adrienne’s love. Thanks for your kind offer, and I will send you an invitation so I can add you on my skype account. I will be checking out your blog of course. I’ve never heard of twitter circles before, but I am interested in anything that will improve my twitter follower numbers. For some reason I can’t seam to get past 398 followers. Let me know if I can ever do anything for you too? Take care, Max
Hi Max
I met you on Adrienne’s site today. I had been here once before from her site and as she says we may not be in the market for a carnival ride, but to support a fellow blogger is really important.
I wish you luck on a job I have never even thought much about. A very unique occupation but I can see that it is necessary for all the carnivals around. When we go the fairs, we just assume there are no challenges, other than getting from one event to the other. You have given me a real insight to a behind the scenes look at how things take place.
Mary Stephenson recently posted…To Those Who Have Influenced Me
Hi Mary; Thanks for coming over and checking out my site. I know that it isn’t what most people are looking for, but that’s what makes you and adrienne such good friends. You are willing to go out of your way to help another person on his journey. I do think including more about myself and what people in the industry go through to keep fairs, festivals, parks, circuses, etc going will make the blog more appealing to a wider audience. Thanks again and take care, max
Hi Max – a fascinating tale, and what a very unusual occupation, selling carnival rides – it never occurred to me how such unique items would end up getting bought and sold. I can understand how they might deteriorate if they’re kept in storage for any length of time – I would imagine it’s a laborious and lengthy job checking them over and making sure they’re completely safe before they go back into use on a fairground.
Well done for persevering and making this sale, and I certainly hope you get the money in time for Christmas!
Susan Neal recently posted…A Simple but Powerful Writing Tip From Ricky Gervais
Hi Sue; Thanks for the kind words. This ride is headed to europe where they have the strictest ride inspection laws on the books anywhere; so it will be needing a lot of tender loving care. I know that some parts will have to be replaced, and there is talk that the new owner may have to send it to the factory for a total rebuild. However, the purchase price, plus shipping, plus repairs, plus inspection will still be a major savings over the cost of a new unit. And I’m glad you liked hearing the whole story. Some people have suggested that maybe I give out too much information in these posts, but I feel that knowing the process is important to potential future clients. I am glad that we met through your conversation with adrienne on google plus, and please let me know if I can ever do anything to help you out. Thanks again and take care, Max
Hello Mr. Max
This is so impressive.
You know we go to amusements parks, but we ride all the rides, and we no clue all the details involved.
Sorry for the deal that fell through.
But…I am so glad for your sale.
Hopefully you will your money in time for Christmas.
Take care until next time
Gladys recently posted…The Importance of Self-Reflection
Hi Gladys; It was sweet of you to stop by and leave a comment. I never tire of hearing how awesome the site is or i am for being able to create it. Of course, everything I have done has been with the love and support of friends like you. I learned that even people who work for large corporations can still learn new things. My contact at the park gave the first buyer an open ended contract. They learned from the first disappointment and put a much shorter time limit on it the second time around. And i usually have my brother make up the invoices because pdf documents are difficult to manage with speech, but today I tried making out one myself using text edit. I’m hoping to have the good news tomorrow that they accepted it. But if it isn’t acceptable, then I’ll just keep trying until it is. Next up is figuring out how to make up the listing contract by myself. Thanks again for the great comment and take care, max