Hello again; I am writing this post to share the happy news that I finally had my first successful Google video hangout on air. It happened Wednesday night. We did have a couple of hiccups, but we solved them within the first few minutes of the show. I am now confident that I can manage future hangouts. The next step is to build an audience and get more participation.
The Youtube Video
After a hangout on air is over, the video is posted to your youtube account. Below is a link to the first successful show. I hope you will at least listen to the first ten minutes or so and tell me how I am doing?
Starting The Show
This week I was more confident, but I still went through the process of getting prepared. I called Mitchell Walker, my moderator with the names of people to add to the hangout on air circle on my google plus account. And I verified that he would be available and online by the start of the event. I signed into the hangout and did everything but press the button to go live. At 09:00PM Central I started the show. I introduced myself. Then, I thanked Mitchell for agreeing to serve as the moderator until I have more experience running a hangout.
Then I mentioned being featured on two blogs this week and mentioned the Interview with a blind man on Lorraine Reguly’s site www.wordingwell.com and the podcast Building an online business from scratch with the blind blogger Max Ivy that could be found on Ashley Faulkes’ site www.madlemmings.com Mitchell hadn’t logged in, but the system said I was live; so I continued.
Audience Questions
Earlier in the week, I had asked people to submit questions that I would answer during the hangout. Since things seemed to be going well, I went on to answer the two questions that were submitted. The first was from William Butler of www.williambutler.ca He asked what are some of the most important life lessons you have learned so far. I mentioned three things having a sense of humor, deciding to be positive, and always learning from your mistakes. I further explained that my dad taught me the value of laughing at a bad situation. I said that being able to laugh at yourself is important and that I could do better at this one myself. I said that being positive is a choice and this is good because some days you will really have to look to find the good in your world. And I said that we are never going to be perfect. Whether it is something you have never done before or something you have done a hundred times; we are all still going to make mistakes. The important thing is to learn from them, get better, and move forward.
Next,Paul Graham of www.thedailywail wanted to know if the carnival business is a seasonal occupation or is it one of those things where it is always sunny where you are. Sadly, I had to tell him that its a weather dominated business where rain or snow mean higher expenses and smaller bottom lines. I told him that there are more events being held indoors in cold weather cities, and some carnivals overcome the weather by traveling thousands of miles during their operating season. Of course, I mentioned my good friends on Wright’s amusements who work a lot in Colorado and Wyoming where they often still get crowds with snow standing on their midway. And most importantly for my purposes I want people to know that since my site is international in nature I don’t really have a off season. So, are you wondering where Mitchell is? So was I.
Solving A Minor Problem
So, I had done my intro, thanked Ashley and Lorraine, and answered all the questions I had; but Mitchell still hadn’t showed up. So, I checked the system again and everything was working fine. I decided what the heck I’ll call him. So, I got him on the phone, and he said he had been there since the beginning but he couldn’t get on. He told me that before I called him he figured out that you have to invite people twice. He said you have to invite them to the event, and then once the event is live; you have to invite them to join in. it seemed redundant to me, but I went to the invite people box and typed in hangout on air so anyone else on the guest list could get in too. Next, I hear a series of dings from my headset telling me the invites where sent. After that I hear Mitchell in my ear and can hang up the phone. To show you how ready I was I had even preprogrammed Mitchell’s number into my cell phone’s address book. So, I am confident that I can conduct future hangouts whether Mitchell is there to help or not.
A Great Conversation
I’m glad I finally got Mitchell online with me. I was prepared to find some way to fill the time, but it is so much easier when you have someone to talk to. We discussed his previous suggestion that I use crowd sourcing to fund taking the youtube show on the road. We discussed possible venues to include, equipment to be used, number of people required, and how many episodes would be included in the first round of shows. We talked about the costs involved and kicked around ideas for shortening the time required and lowering the expenses. We then talked about my getting a second url www.mr-midway.com and whether midway marketplace or mr. midway was the better name to go with long term. He agreed with me and several of my friends that it is a tough call because midway marketplace is obviously more descriptive while mr. midway is more marketable. I then told him that it had been a very good night so far but would be much better if we could get at least one other person to come on before the hour was up. He said he had been trying to get his friend Ryan to come on. I asked him to remind his friend.
Another First
One of the reasons I was glad that Mitchell has agreed to act as my moderator is the fact that I have never done this with more than one other person. Also, I have never been on a group phone call either. So, I was happy when Mitchell’s friend Ryan made it into the hangout. Ryan is what is called an infusionist at a mobile tea operation called Cafe Barnabas It is a non profit organization. Ryan is kind of on the quiet side, but having him online did let me get a little more experience. Apparently, He and Mitchell were part of the promotional efforts that got Cafe Barnabas going. I didn’t know that it was a mobile business at the time, or I would have asked different questions. I would have also offered to add a link to them on my concessionaires page. Given the explosion in mobile food vending in general and food and drink trucks in particular; this could be an untapped market that people need to hear about. It could also be a potential area for sales of new or used equipment. So, I’m going to try to get in contact with the founder and schedule an interview text or via skype for a future post. We did have a nice conversation and filled out the rest of the hour.
How To Participate
I will be doing another hangout on air next Wednesday night at the usual time of 10 Pm Eastern, 9 Central, 7 Pacific, etc. If you want to join in on the conversation or watch and listen to it live; then you have to be invited. To get invited you have to connect with me on Google Plus and ask to be added to the guest list. I can invite up to a hundred, and up to ten can participate in a conversation at one time. If you come in late, you can rewind it to the beginning. If you don’t want to be at the event, but you have a question to ask; just mail it to me along with your name and website, blog, or social media page so I can mention you in the show notes. If you appear on a hangout, or if I answer your question during the show; I will include a clickable link to you in the description of the youtube video that will be posted after the show is over. I don’t know that I will continue doing blog posts after each show like I have been. These posts were primarily written to explain the process in the hope that others could learn from my experience. If I continue these posts, then naturally, links to participants would be included. As youtube is one of the most searched social media sites out there, appearing in one of my videos or having links to you because you asked a question could be very helpful in gaining your site additional search engine traffic. I hope you will consider taking part soon.
Sharing Is Caring
I do want to thank everyone who has helped me conquer the challenge of doing Google video hangouts on air. I also want to thank those who have encouraged me or promoted my site; so I’m not asking you to share this post. Don’t get me wrong, I would love for you to tell your friends about my success and invite them to participate. But what I really want you to do is to visit some of the sites mentioned in this post. Stop by their website or blog and see what they are up to. If you see something you like, then share that with your friends, family, coworkers, and social media networks. The thing I know about online business owners is that there is a sense of community. If any of us succeed then we all succeed. And I wouldn’t have gotten to where I am without the help, friendship, love, and encouragement of a lot of great people out here on the net.
I’m glad to have finally solved the issue of Google Hangouts. A couple of friends have asked what I plan to do next. Honestly, for now I’m just going to continue doing weekly hangouts and try to build an audience that will help promote the site and the equipment people have for sale on it. I will continue to do video show cases and hope to someday soon take them on the road. I’m working on a new logo to go along with the new branding campaign. And I’m looking into using crowd sourcing to raise money for some of my plans. But, I’m never too busy to listen to my readers. If you have a question or just want to talk with me about the amusement industry, social media, blogging, blindness issues, whatever; I would love to hear from you via the contact form or the comments section. Until next time, thanks and take care out there, Max
Hi Max,
Wow! You did it finally – and congratulations for this wonderful hangout!
You’ve achieved something most of us haven’t as yet, so that’s a feather in your cap I must say. I didn’t hear the whole lot, but I enjoyed the first few minutes, though the video might need to be made a little more clear if possible in the near future.
It’s great that Bill and the others asked you such lovely questions and I’m sure you enjoyed replying to all of their answers too. I might just hop in for your next one if I’m around as I might just be travelling a little those days, but it’s not sure as yet.
Thanks once again for sharing this with us – I am so happy for you! Happy weekend
Hi Harleena; First, thanks for taking the time to read the post and for watching even some of the video. I’m glad you think I did well. And it was great having some quality questions to answer. Like with my singing on the calliope corner videos, it gives me something els to focus on so I don’t worry so much about the recording or broadcasting. Frankly I wasn’t sure if anyone would watch not even my great friends in the blogging world. I shouldn’t b surprised. If more people knew how great the community is, everyone would have a blog or a podcast. And I can feel your true joy for my success coming through your comment. And thanks for another first. As I mentioned in the reply to your tweet of this post I’ve never had anything shared before that I didn’t share first. I hope you noticed my use of two new hashtags #askmistermidway and #theblindblogger. Although now that I have invited another blind blogger to our group and started meting more visually impaired bloggers and podcasters I may not be able to lay claim to the hashtag. Thanks again for the comment and share. Would love to have you on with us or to get a question from you. I’ll have Mitchell add you to the list so you can come in any time you like. Just remember google makes me invite you each time. You aren’t expected to come every time. Take care my friend. xoxo Max
Max, you’re quite an amazing man. All the best to you in all your endeavours.
Hi Lenie; Thanks for your kind words. I do my best. The truth is no one knows or can know everything about having an online business. Bloggers will help each other out, so joining linked in and becoming part of the bloggers helping bloggers group was a great first step. And I want to thank you for deciding to visit some of the other fine blind and visually impaired bloggers. Let me know if I can ever do anything to help you. Take care, Max
Good job and congratulations. I will try to check out the youtube postings because I am not at home on Wednesdays.
Hi Jay; thanks for the pat on the back. I am happy to hear that you would want to watch the replays. be sure and email me with any questions you have. I am prepared to talk about the amusement industry, blogging, podcasting, social media, blindness, etc. Take care, Max
Great! You have conquered the tricky Google Hangout! I don’t know anyone who hasn’t had some hiccups with that platform. I haven’t tried it.
Congratulations. Your problems were minimal.
thanks beth; Even though I should know better, I’ve ben surprised by how many of my blogging friends who have watched at least some part of last week’s video on youtube. Its a good feeling to know I can do it now. Next thing is to build an audience and see how much help they can be to my business. Part of that will be finding ways to increase the number of subscribers on youtube. I also want to figure out how to embed the channel on my site or at the very least make the videos I embed on my site auto play. please email me a question for a future show. and let me know if I can do anything to help you out. Take care, Max
Yaaay YOU! That’s no small achievement! Congratulations and continued success Max!
Thanks for sharing in the success. its always good to have a cheering section. what have you been up to? take care, max
Good job, Max! Google Hang Outs On Air seem easy at the get-go but there are many small details to attend to. I am glad you had some assistance and that it went well. Don’t give up- keep doing them because the more you do it, the better you will get.
Hi Laurie; Thanks for the encouragement. There is a big difference between a hangout and a hangout on air. I certainly didn’t expect there to be. and yes practice makes better since perfect doesn’t exist. I agreed to go on a podcast tomorrow. The owner uses a system called team talk so I am trying to learn another new system in time for their show. I hope you will submit a question for next week’s hangout. And it would be good if you could let others know. if I answer someone’s question, then I will mention them and their site on air and add a clickable link to them in the youtube video that is available afterwards. Thanks again and take care, Max
Wow! Congratulations, Max! Finally, you made it happen!!!
I am glad to know you had help available and that it went well. Perseverance and persistence is the name of the game, isn’t it? Thank you for sharing those fantastic questions and the video.
Wish you all the best for the next one and I promise, one of these days, I am going to attend one of your hangouts
Hi Kumar; sorry i didn’t reply to this sooner for some reason it went to the spam folder. I appreciate your support for my efforts. I would love to have you on some time. and of course your questions are welcome. and I think its interesting that so far the hangout on air video is getting more views and more minutes watched than my second calliope corner video. Last night’s hangout was very good with william butler participating and two others who wanted to come in but didn’t due to not being invited in advance. and i am blessed to have found Mitchell to help moderate the hangouts. It was actually his father who told him about me and encourage him to get in contact. I hope you will also show your support by subscribing to my youtube feed and encouraging others to do so too. Thanks again and take care, Max
Well domeWell done on setting up the hangout for people to interact with you. Your persistence has paid off. Like Jay I will check out you tube as a have an appointment on Wednesday. Such a great topc to blog about.:-)
Thanks for the kind words. I do feel pretty good about it. since you can’t be there, I hope you will submit a question. I am also looking into the possibility of people sending me video of prerecorded questions to include in the show. and i guess it must have been pretty good because its had 27 views so far with a total of almost 150 minutes watched according to youtube. We’ll get you and jay on sometime. thanks again and take care, Max
Hi Max,
Good for you! Your tenacity to succeed at Google Hangouts paid off.
While I could not participate in it, I very much appreciate that you answered my questions, and they are all very good things for anyone to learn. One of the strongest life lessons I have learned is that suffering has taught me to be deeply compassionate, even with the mistakes we all make.
I’m glad to know you are going attempt to make this a weekly event.
Keep up the good work! Be proud!
Hi Bill; It always feels good to figure something like this out. I’m glad you could b part of the first successful show. I hoped my answers would be good enough. there is also a link to your site on the youtube video. and i wouldn’t be much of a friend or a host if I didn’t answer the questions after begging you to send them in in the first place. compassion is important and I have felt a lot of that from the blogging community. You are a good friend. Thanks again and take care, Max
I take my hat off to you. This stuff is way over my head and I am to eager to give up too quickly.
Keep it up. It keeps me motivated to try something I have yet to conquer.
Hi Becc; I’m happy I can inspire you. I’ve ben doing this a lot longer and I pretty much didn’t have a choice on a lot of it. I decided i needed to do the videos and hangouts on air so I have found a way. so what is it that you want to do? maybe I can help. Now, I want to find out how to use prerecorded video questions in my hangouts. I’m also working on getting more videos submitted so i can do the calliope corner shows. and I need to get a post out about a new vendor on my site. by the way congrats on the blog hop. Johnny bravo invited me and i’m up next monday. best of luck to you, max
I’m impressed. Your planning and determination paid off. I wish you many more successful Google Hangouts.
Hi Donna; Thanks for the complement. Next, I want to find out how to display video of other rides or attractions during a hangout so i can discuss them. I also want to check into people being able to prerecord a video question to b included in th hangout. don’t know if they ar possible or not, but I’m going to find out. would lov to travel more in the near future. thanks and take care, max
Well, look at you, doing a Google hangout! It’s a great way to reach an audience that might not have been otherwise accessible. Sounds like you had a great time and even had a chance to pitch your site, which is what it’s all about. Bravo for conquering a new medium!
Hi; thanks for watching some of the broadcast and for leaving an encouraging comment. that’s why i do this is to reach an audience my competitors wouldn’t think of because they don’t feel they need to. and i wasn’t sure how much to pitch so thanks for that. I hope you will submit a question for this week. take care, Max
I’m definitely going to learn how to do this!
Hi susanna; can i claim to have inspired you? it shouldn’t be that difficult for someone who is a world traveler. hangouts are easier than hangouts on air because anyone can show up any time. but hangouts on air are the ones that get automatically uploaded to youtube. you have to get used to inviting people. I hope to have you on mine sometime. Please submit a question to be answered during the show. I know you can do the hangouts. take care, max
Hi Max. I am so happy it worked this time. Now I am back with a hard drive and a screen bigger than a Chiclet I hope to catch you at the next one. All The Best. Paul
hi paul; I’m glad to hear it. I would rather have the phleugh than hard drive troubles. Looking forward to wednesday. take care, max
Thanks, recently joining the whole social media scene I wondered what a google hangout was and how it would work.
(No law that says you can’t keep both domain names
Hello; glad I could help with information on hangouts and how they work. I agree with you. I still think that mr. midway is the mor marketable name. I could easily see it on shirts mouse pads kuzies etc. take care out there, Max
Awesome job Max, Just think, you’ve mastered something people, without your disability, have trouble with. Here is my question for you. What was the impetus to start using Hangout and what has been your greatest lesson from the experience.
HI Susan; Yes that is an awesome thought once i take the time to actually think about it. as i think I told you once before the problem is i don’t often take time to list all my accomplishments. When I do make a list, I go wow. and this is an excellent question. I’m not going to answer it fully here because I want to save it for tomorrow night. But I will say like all my other decisions it has to do with will it help bring attention to me, my site, and the equipment and services I have for sale. Thanks for all your encouragement. Take care my friend. xoxo max
Hey Max,
I’m so happy that you finally had a successful hangout and it does take practice my friend. I’m just so amazed at how well you did things and I’m so sorry I missed it. I’ve got so much on my plate right now and I was so focused on what I was doing that I completely forget all about the time.
I will try though to make one soon, just not sure when but thank you for continuing to invite me and I look forward to “seeing” you in the near future.
Love that Mitchell finally made it on and you learned about that little glitch and that Bill and Paul added to the questions. Bravo to you all and I wish you all the best with future hangouts.
Enjoy your week with this beautiful weather.
Hi adrienne; I know you are very busy. I often lose track of the time myself. Its not uncommon for me to only notice what time it is when my computer announces it or i am being called to eat. grin one of the benefits of gastric surgery is having to remember to or be reminded to eat sometimes. I would love to have you on any time you have the time. susan cooper just submitted a great question. and it was very helpful having those questions from bill and paul last week. I think paul is going to make it in tomorrow night. You have been one of my biggest supporters, and I have learned so much from you; so of course you are staying on the list. and who knows some day i may need to switch to something else as the audience grows. that’s the next step build the audience and find sponsors. thanks so much my friend. take care sweetie, Max
Wow, Max, you are fearless! I can’t imagine trying to integrate all the technical issues with just the pressure of being on camera. Sounds like your father’s wisdom has helped you in all kinds of ways! Congrats on your first successful hangout!
Hi Meredith; Not fearless I hate high places and avoid amusement rides where you get turned upside down. smile I feel my dad was always torn between wanting to keep me say and not wanting me to get hurt. would love for you to take part or send in a question. Let me know if there is a fear I can help you face. take care, Max
Hangouts are such a great way to connect with others and it’s good to see you taking to the platform. At times, technical issues do arise such as microphone feedback during the meeting, but that can usually be cleared up by re-starting the hangout. I’ve used hangouts to speak to clients and meet with fellow bloggers as well. Crazy how we can easily tune in to each others efforts while being so far apart.
Hi Jeri; Glad to hear you have been using them for your business. one of the questions i received for this week is why did i start doing hangouts and what plans do i have with them. I would like to tai part in more hangouts. I would love it if you could make it to mine or submit a question. tomorrow I think we are going to try sharing a video and then discussing it. Its up to the moderator Mitchell. It doesn’t seem that difficult but we will still test it before using it lie. thanks and take care, Max
You did a great job of it. I have only used google hangouts to talk to my kids, one lives in Maryland and the other one lives in Calgary, while I am in Georgia. It does give me some experience setting things up, though.
Hi Karen; glad to heear I did a good job. nex hangout is tomorrow night. Prhaps you have a question I could answer. I’ve really enjoyed the volume of response to this post. thanks again and take care, max
Hey Max
Congrats on navigating the complexities of Google HOAs. I was on another one the other day with Sarah, as you know, and I still find it a mess. There are so many things to do just to get it going, to invite people and then for the guest, like me, to set up your lower third (which is where your logo and name appear) and to tune that , as it cuts off lots of words, and then to learn what all the tools are, screenshare. And then when I asked sarah what the general link was for her show, she said there isn’t one, just a link for each week. That is another weakness in my opinion. You cannot go to the same place and watch the latest episode or subscribe or whatever.
So all in all, you have done an amazing job and pity I am asleep when it is happening!
have a great week and continued success
Hi ashley; well, then maybe my title was a bit misleading. smile I have yet to include my logo or do a screen share, but Mitchell and I have more practice sessions planned. I do want to figure out screen share so that I can share photos and videos of equipment and discuss either the item itself or use the photos and video to educate people on providing higher quality media. and i do agree that not having a link where you can go each week is a huge hole in their system. You would think you would at least have the option of creating a recurring event. People can subscribe to your youtube feed to watch the shows after they are broadcast, so its odd that there isn’t a mechanism to use one link for weekly shows in a series or on a given topic. However, more people seem to be on google plus than on skype or other alternatives for a group discussion. thanks for your support. I wish you were awake at that time too. Take care, max
Hello Max
I am happy that finally you did this.
I am amazed to see that you do not have any camera fear as you are really confident.
I hope the picture will be more clear next time..
You feel you as an amazing man…
Good luck as it is a great start.
Hi Andleeb; thanks for the kind words. I think that by focusing on what i want to get done during the time on camera keeps me from being nervous. and of course the audience is small so far. of course with youtube who knows how many people will eventually see them. I wasn’t aware there was a problem with the video. Please tell me what was wrong so I can check into making it better. I’m also glad I can inspire people. I’m sure you are courageous in your own way. take care, Max
Hello again
I am not sure if due to my internet I am having problem. But the picture was blur … I could not see it properly . When Ryan joined on 41:12 with Mitchell , the picture of Ryan was clear.
I think there was a light on your back side and it was coming on camera may be due to that reason your picture was not clear.
HI Andleeb; That is what I needed to hear. I’m sorry that the picture was fussy, but now I know to leave the light off in my room. I will do that this week. and i want to sincerely thank you for watching so much of the broadcast. You are either a true friend, or you liked the show; or both. I am blessed to know you. take care, Max
Max, you’re quite an amazing man.This is a start before you start to work on getting a TV platform..
Hi Arleen; I like the way you think. I can totally see me having a show on a & e or one of the other cable networks searching for new unusual programming. and it doesn’t get more unusual than the blind blogger amusement equipment broker. I’m glad I can inspire you and others. I’m starting to see this as part of my many responsibilities. I feel like every time I take that next step I am pushing someone els out the to take their first one. thanks again and take care, Max
Congrats. I will check out your hangout.
thanks; I would love to hear your thoughts. I would also appreciate it if you would subscribe to my youtube feed. take care, max
Good job Max! I’m glad to see you accomplished your hangout on air. I also hope the Hangout group is beneficial to you.
HI Neikka; thanks for the positive thoughts. I’m glad I did it and it has possibilities. I originally gave myself a month to begin to see results. since i had some technical problems I have decided to restart the clock. but it seems that the hangouts are more likely to help with connecting to other bloggers. Still I think it could help build relationships. and maybe it will push me towards doing something as a motivational speaker or coach. thanks again and take care, Max
Hi Max. Congratulations on a successful Hangout on Air. I haven’t attempted that yet. I think I might be a little intimidated. I will take courage from your success. Also, thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting. I really appreciate the support.
Hi Regina; I was happy to do it. there isn’t a blogger out there who doesn’t want more comments. thanks to the bloggers helping bloggers group I now get about 20 comments on every post. thank goodness I’m glad i could give you courage. but you know the cowardly lion had courage in him all the time. I find that thinking about what I need to say or cover or about keeping the conversation going helps distract me from the nuts and bolts of doing it and keeps me from getting scared. Of course having mitchell for a moderator helps a lot too. the more i realize that I can inspire people, the more I wonder if I shouldn’t be doing more like public speaking or coaching. thanks again for your comment and tai care, Max
now I know who I’ll go to for questions on this whole HOA thing it’s not as easy as they make it seem.
Hi Darnell; thanks for visiting and leaving a comment. I imagine that with the post you just put up and with the push its getting from other bloggers; that finding time to check out a new blog is hard to come by. so thanks but we really got to get one of the blind bloggers traffic and alexa up high enough to make next year’s list. would b happy to help with hangouts if you decide to start them. take care, Max
Well done Max! I haven’t attempted a hangout yet, so I’m super impressed. Cheers!
thanks jen; appreciate the pat on the back. still need to get more people to take part either in person or by submitting questions. will be posting the recap here directly. thanks again and take care, max
Congratulations on successfully launching (almost) Max! I am a visitor of the blogs you mentioned so happy to swing by and tweet them out, as well as, share yours.
I couldn’t agree more about the importance of laughter, I think it’s particularly important to laugh at yourself when you get into difficult situations.
Hi Debra; thanks so much for sharing the post and the sites of the contributors. I also want to say thanks to you and the rest of our great blogging community. Because of your friendship my posts now routinely get at least ten comments with some getting more than 20 and with this one getting 30. I feel like the day will come soon win i brake that magical 100 comment barrier. yeh! I do wish I could figure out why people’s latest post isn’t showing up any more. I am almost through with the post of this week’s show. I hope you and all my other great friends will come back and read it too. Let me know if I can do anything to help you. Thanks again and take care, Max
Max, it’s cool you dove into the Google hangout pool without having all the answers.
I work with entrepreneurs and people defining their career. The most successful clients do one thing better than everyone else. They begin. Take the first step.
I think I’ll be writing about this topic in my next post.
I hope to hop on to one of your hangouts soon. I need to pick up a higher quality video cam.
Hi steve; well, I believe in the philosophy that if you wait until things are perfect you will never accomplish anything. I know my video aren’t perfect they aren’t even top production quality. but they are my videos and they serve my purposes of spotlighting equipment I want to draw attention to and getting myself out on youtube which has become the second most used search engine on the net. I give people a way to meet me or connect with me that my competitors aren’t using. I show people I am real. You probably don’t need a newer camera but if gutting one makes you more comfortable; then I completely understand. My next leap of faith is a indiegogo campaign to fund taking the youtube show on the road. there are lots of unknowns involved but I have faith it will work and I believe it is something that will help me serve my clients even better. thanks for your kind words and I look forward to hearing you online sometime soon. Take care friend, Max
hi johnny; guess i need to get cracking. thanks for the track back i hear they help a lot with your google standings. best of luck, max