Email Address:
Website: standard www, or blog address, social community sites (facebook, myspace google plus etc)
How many listings?
Single listing (10% commission)
Three or more listings (5% commission)
How would you like your commission handled?
Add to asking price
Deduct from asking price
Item Title:
How would you like your listing to read? I recommend including as much information as possible including manufacturer's name, year built, condition, electrical requirements, number and size of trailers, current location, difficulty of set up, and of course asking price.
Attachment fields You can upload photos( tif, gif, or jpg) video, related newspaper articles, or a manufacturer product sheet. They are all helpful in selling your product and can all be submitted using these fields. Note: if for any reason you cannot submit attachments, please advise me in the comments field below and I will contact you to personally assist you.
Select File Number 1
Select File Number 2
Select File Number 3
Select File Number 4
Select File Number 5
How did you hear about my site? (eg. via friend or family member, a business associate, a search engine, direct email, or other website)
Comments: If you have experienced any problems with this form, or if you have any suggestions for the improvement of the website in general; then this is your opportunity to let me know.